Lockdown Fitness

Home workouts and keeping fit seem to be all the rage since lockdown commenced. People are starting their own 21-day challenges, breaking their personal best goals, and pushing their limits - all from the comfort of their own home. Mike Greeff, CEO of Greeff Christie's International Real Estate says that ''keeping fit and staying healthy is of utmost importance during this time - not just for your physical healthy but your mental health too. Exercising regularly increases your endorphins - the happy hormone - and reduces cortisol - the stress hormone, which we could all do with less of''.

Below are just a few ways you can get in the best workout, do some mindful meditation, and get your mind off COVID-19 anxiety. There are also a few tips and tricks on how to turn that spare room into a fun and functional home gym!

*Disclaimer: You should get your physician's approval before beginning this or any other exercise program. These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You should consult your physician prior to exercising or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity.


How To Turn Any Space Into A Home Gym

If you have a spare room or an extra space that is not being made use of, why not turn it into a home gym where you can get the best out of your workouts? Cancel that gym membership and start training from the comfort of your own home - it's the best motivation!

Home gyms range from a fully equipped fitness den to a single piece of cardio equipment or weight bench. A home gym doesn't have to break the bank - of course, you can spend a lot on a full suite of state-of-the-art if that's what you wish, but you can also find perfectly good second-hand equipment or invest in just one or two pieces you know you'll use most often.

  1. Define gym

It's important to first define what ''gym'' means to you. What types of workouts do you enjoy? How much space and equipment will you need in order to maximise your workouts? If you are not sure about these questions, start small. Choose a few basics to start off with and expand on your gym as you get a clearer idea of what you want.

  1. Envision your gym

The location of your gym depends largely on the layout and space of your home and whether or not you will have your gym in a shared-purpose space or if it will in a room dedicated for just that purpose.



Things to consider when envisioning your home gym:

  • Temperature and airflow
    • A garage is the ideal space for a gym as it's generally one of the coolest locations in any house.
    • If you don't have a naturally cool room in your home, opt for a space with windows that you can open for added ventilation.
    • An added bonus is a well-positioned ceiling fan - especially when doing high heart rate exercises.
  • Lighting
    • It's important to take lighting into account especially when deciding what kind of workouts, you'll be doing.
    • For example, if you are wanting to do more zen, yoga-like workouts, choose a room with natural light and a calming atmosphere.
    • Make sure the space you choose is comfortable and inviting so you will want to spend time in there - no matter the workout you choose to do.

If you choose to go the shared-purpose room route, a barely used guest room or a portion of your home office are excellent locations. Your bedroom may also be the perfect place for a treadmill as it will serve as a daily reminder that you should get your workout in. However, if a treadmill is in your bedroom, it might be used as a clothes hanger and should this be the case, you might be better off creating your workout space elsewhere.

  1. Outfit your gym

As mentioned, equipping your home gym does not need to cost an arm and a leg and remember, you do not have to buy everything at once. Start small, stick with what you feel comfortable with and expand as you grow.

Below are some items to consider, depending on your wants and needs:

Cardio equipment:

  • Treadmill
  • Elliptical machine
  • Rowing machine
  • Stationary bike
  • Skipping rope

Strengthening and Stretching Equipment

  • Free weights
  • Kettlebells
  • Barbell & bench set
  • Resistance bands
  • Stability ball
  • Yoga mat
  • Foam roller




  • A floor-to-ceiling mirror on one wall
  • Music player/speaker if you prefer working out to music
  • Inspirational quotes on the wall for extra motivation
  • A fan
  • Set of towels


Below, you will find a few nifty home workouts that you could do anytime, anywhere! You could do them while watching your favourite show or while waiting for dinner to be ready - it's quick, easy and effective.


  1. Do not over-complicate things.

For some, this might be your first time working out and if so, go easy on yourself. Do not worry if you don't have the equipment at home - use what you have and improvise. Relying on bodyweight exercises can also help you achieve great success and the best part? You can do them in your lounge!

Examples of bodyweight exercises:

  • Push-ups
    • You can do multiple variations of the traditional push-up, depending on your fitness level.
  • Ab exercises
    • If you're looking to get those shredded abs, there are multiple moves you can do in order to achieve your goal.
    • Ab exercise examples:
      • Sit-ups
      • Planks
      • Crunches
      • Reverse crunches
      • Russian twists
  • Squats
    • To get a solid burn in your glutes, try different squat variations.
    • Squat variations include:
      • Jump squats
      • Plie squats
      • Single leg squats

Combining the above exercises with high-intensity moves such as star jumps, high-knees and running on the spot, will give you quite the workout that you will be sure to feel the next day.

  1. Dance like no one's watching

Dancing is one of the most underrated workouts and many don't believe that it is actually a form of exercise. Dancing burns quite a few calories and it's fun so you don't feel the burn as you would if you were doing a high-intensity workout. This kind of exercise is also ideal if you have kids - it's a fun way to get their heart rates up and away from the TV. Put on some music for 10 to 15 minutes and have a dance party - this can really contribute to your daily exercise quota.

If you would like to follow a set dance routine, YouTube has several workouts available that will have you breaking a sweat in no time.

  1. Let's get digital, digital

There are tons of home workout apps and online videos that can help you achieve your fitness goals. Working out on your own can get a bit boring, so why not invite your friends and family to virtually join you? This makes for a great bonding session while getting your body in shape.

Available workout apps:

  • 8Fit
    • ()

8Fit is a workout and nutrition app that helps you customize your workouts, create meal plans, and provides a step-by-step nutrition guide to help you meet your fitness goals.


    • This app offers workouts for everyone. Strengthen, sculpt, dance, box, or restore with your favorite POPSUGAR instructors. Mix up your fitness routine with a variety of toning, dance cardio, yoga workouts and more.
    • Bonus: new workouts are added monthly.


  • Six Pack in 30 Days
    • If you want to strengthen your core in 30 days, then this app is for you! You can choose which level of ab workouts you can handle and work your way up. Believe us, this workout is going to make you feel the burn. No additional equipment is necessary which is an absolute bonus!
    • (Available on Google Play Store and Apple Store)


  • Couch to 5K
    • This app targets beginners who want to train for their first race. The best part? It only requires sweating for 30 minutes per day, for three days a week for nine weeks.



  1. Find your Zen

Find a quiet spot in your home to do a few stretching exercises to release any tension you might have.

Recommended stretches:

  • Sit cross-legged on the floor with your hands intertwined above your head. Keep this pose for 5 breaths in and out.
    • While doing this, make sure your shoulders are relaxed.
  • The child's pose is also a wonderful way to release tension. Sit comfortably on your heels while rolling your upper body forwards and extend your arms in front of you.
    • Try to get your chest as close to your knees as possible, without hurting yourself.
    • Keep this pose for 5 breaths in and out.

A great way of meditating is by practicing deep breathing. Find a spot on the floor to lie down, and once flat on your back, start your breathing exercises. This has the potential to cause some light-headedness if you're not accustomed to breathing deeply so stay mindful of how you're feeling throughout the exercise.

When doing your breathing, inhale for 8 counts and exhale for 8 counts. You might struggle at first but after a few rounds, you will get the hang of it. You will also start to feel cold because of the oxygen that's circulating throughout your body so make sure that you have something warm nearby, so you remain comfortable.

During this time, we are not in control of much and we need to just roll with the punches. However, something we can take control of is our health and wellbeing. So, whatever your situation, try to keep active, eat healthily and stay hydrated.





28 Apr 2020
Author Greeff
107 of 328